Candle Making Autumn Trends 2022 - Village Craft & Candle

Candle Making Autumn Trends 2022

When the warm sultry air of summer is replaced by the cool crisp breezes of Autumn, candle lovers everywhere flock to their favorite candle boutiques in search of the season's most popular scents. However, it’s not just the candle they desire, it’s the mood it evokes that keeps them coming back for more. They crave the feeling of nostalgia and coziness that is associated with the fall. With the weather cooling down and the sun setting earlier each day, people reach for experiences that make them feel comfort and joy.

In Autumn 2022, we will see people looking for different and exciting ways to blend the old and the new together. While the yearning to evolve is always there, so too is the aspiration to find styles that incorporate traditional and familiar aspects. People want candles that look simple yet elegant and will mingle naturally with their décor which radiates the seasonal spirit of fall. They want to bring the extra dose of ambiance their home needs or just set the mood while they’re curled up with a compelling read and a cozy throw blanket. Finally, we will continue to see nature with a seasonal twist that influences both scent and appearance of trendy candles.

We are excited to bring you the best inspiration to overwhelm your senses for this festive season and everything it has to offer.